No.81, TTKrishnamachari Road,
Mylapore Near Bharath Petroleum
Chennai - 600004
Dr. Jayanthy's penchant for precision and quality ensures clients’ experience the best of cosmetic solutions available. She synthesizes with her patients to gain well rounded cognizance of their requirements and offers a solution that is aesthetically, cosmetically and emotionally approving. The capacious and progressive cosmetic solutions are offered at state-of-the-art technology platforms guaranteeing positive and effective results. Pain management protocols during the postoperative stage are emphasized and handled with meticulous care. Rapid recovery instructions and support are offered to help clients get back to their routine activities in the quickest possible time. Besides surgical treatments, there are a variety of non-surgical procedures to augment or enhance specific regions of your body including face, hair and limbs. The need for clients to be educated and well informed is the surgeon’s prerogative. Combined with globally recognized expertise, Dr. Jayanthy offers a repertoire of client friendly cosmetic solutions for a better tomorrow. Cosmetic surgery is a transformation that leaves you feeling happy and content. Self persuaded and unyielding focus to effect transformation in physical and emotional health of her clients, Dr. Jayanthy is perennially on the path of advancement in technology and techniques. Trained under few of the renowned cosmetic surgeons the country has ever produced, she exercises strong interest in the areas of breast augmentation, breat reduction, breast lifts, rhinoplasty, abdominoplasty, body sculpting and body contouring. Dr. Jayanthy is a board certified and trained plastic surgeon specializing in cosmetic and aesthetic surgery. Her approach has been to focus on the patient needs and to deliver highest standard care to every one of them, which is why she keeps herself up to date with the latest developments in terms of procedures, technology and know-how. It is with this belief that she started her cosmetic career training under acclaimed plastic surgeons in the country’s leading establishments. Her thirst for perfection and the aim of offering quality services comparable to international standards in India took her to Europe where she completed her Advance Fellowship in Belgium , Germany and Singapore under the guidance of Dr.Tonnard , Dr.Gubisch and Dr Woffles Wu all renowned specialists in their respective domains. She is one of the few in the country to have special training in Hair restoration both medically and surgically. She is certified by Darling Buds Chandigarh and Hair sciences centre Colorado for training in FUE technique of hair transplant.
Clinic in Chennai GPO
Clinic in Anna Road GPO
Clinic in Park Town
Clinic in Mylapore
Clinic in Triplicane
Thigh lift | Cosmiatria | Botox injections | Mohs surgery | Permanent hair removal | Nail diseases | Liposculpture | Nose reshaping | Ear lobe repair | Lip reduction | .... More Treatment
Liposuction & injection | Thighplasty | Electrocauterization | Laser resurfacing | Tucking | Laser hair removal - face | Brachioplasty ( arm lift) | Rejuvenation and hair restoration | Iontophoresis | Acell matrix hair transplantation | Facial plastic surgery | Lower body lift | Bioimpedance exam | Mohs surgery | Ial therapy | Laser erbium yag | Breast reconstruction | Dermolipectomy | Skin graft | Nail surgery | Proton therapy | Scar revision | Botox injections | Cleft rhinoplasty | Nose reshaping | Chin augumentation (mentoplasty) | Salicyclic peel | Eye lid surgery | Ear lobe repair | Revision ear surgery | Lip augmentation | Birthmark excision | Calf implant | Skin tag removal | Gynaecomastia | Cleft lip and palate | Lipodissolve injection | Facial aesthetics | Mole surgery | Investigation of contact dermatitis | Cosmelan problem | Fractional skin rejuvenation | Psoriasis | Hair replacement | Facial cutaneous and skin surgery | Mesolipolysis | Hiv counselling | Fue scar less method | Laser therapy | Breast reduction |