
Human heart and lung are the most sensitive organs of the body. In critical medical situations, patients seek quality care and best treatment - that is when they go to Dr. Guru Prasad for complete medical care. With over a decade of experience in Internal Medicine and Cardiology, we have proposed the most suitable mechanism in our clinic to determine the root cause of the issue and provide the best medical solution to each patient. Our trained staff provide you with moral and emotional support. Treatment period is considered as the most difficult phase in each patients' life, but here at Sree Guru Clinic it is our endeavour to provide the prescribed treatment with proper guidance and support. Dr. Guru is an expert in Arrhythmia (abnormal heart beat) and heart transplantation. He deals with severe cases of arrhythmia and heart failure on a day to day basis. Department : Cardiology, Cosmetic Surgery, Dermatology and Skin Treatment Complete Cardiac Care treatments include Heart failure Arrhythmia Heart attack Heart transplantation Cardiovascular Genetic Testing Cardiac implantable devices: Pace maker ECG Echocardiography Tread mill testing


: 8:00 am - 9:00 am,6:00 pm - 10:00 pm


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