
Welcome to Swaroop Skin and Hair Care Clinic The clinic was started with the intention of catering to the growing need of treating skin and hair problems. The clinic caters to Skin and Hair problems and is easily accessible because of it being located in the heart of the city. Dr. Smita is an ex-senior consultant with Kaya Skin Clinic. She has been a resident doctor with Sri Ramachandra Medical College- Chennai and also with Image Hospitals- Hyderabad. She has an experience of treating more than 5000 patients and is one of the more renowned Dermatologists and Cosmetologists in Chennai. She is a graduate (M.B.B.S) of Govt. Medical College-Meerut, a post graduate (DDVL) of SRMC-Chennai and has also undergone several training programmes in Cosmetology, acquainting herself with the newer treatments prevalent in the modern world. She is a member of The Indian Association of Dermatologists and Venereologists and Leprologists and The Indian Society of Tele-Dermatology.



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