
At the behest of his father, in 1971, Dr. Reddy left behind a flourishing practice in Boston and returned to India. On his return he found the medical landscape in the country plagued by gaps in infrastructure, delivery and affordability. Things took a turn for the worse when he lost a young patient who just did not have the means to go abroad for treatment. The incident marked a cross road in Dr. Reddy's life and steeled his determination to get quality healthcare to India. He set the blueprint to build India's first multi-specialty private sector hospital. Undaunted and unfazed by the obstacles faced, Apollo Hospitals opened its doors in 1983 and ever since nurtured a goal which read as "Our mission is to bring healthcare of international standards within the reach of every individual. We are committed to the achievement and maintenance of excellence in education, research and healthcare for the benefit of humanity". In the 30 years since, it has scripted one of the most magnificent stories of success that India has seen. Not only is the Apollo Group one of the largest integrated healthcare groups in the region, it also did successfully catalyze the private healthcare revolution in the country. Apollo today has made every aspect of their lofty mission a reality. Along the way the journey has touched and enriched 39 million lives who came from 120 countries. Apollo Hospitals was the forerunner of integrated healthcare in Asia, as well as globally. Today, the group's futuristic vision has ensured that it has been in a position of strength at every touch point of the healthcare delivery chain. Its presence encompasses over 10,000 beds across 51 hospitals, more than 1500 pharmacies, over 100 primary care and diagnostic clinics, 115 telemedicine units across 9 countries, health insurance services, global projects consultancy, 15 academic institutions and a Research Foundation with a focus on global clinical trials, epidemiological studies, stem-cell and genetic research. Over the past three decades Apollo Hospitals' transformative journey has forged a legacy of excellence in Indian healthcare. The Group has continuously set the agenda and led by example in the blossoming private healthcare space. One of Apollo's significant contributions has been the adoption of clinical excellence as an industry standard. Apollo pioneered the concept - the group was the first to invest in the pre-requisites that led to international quality accreditation like the JCI and also developed centres of excellence in Cardiac Sciences, Orthopaedics, Neurosciences, Emergency Care, Cancer and Organ Transplantation. Along with excellence the Apollo philosophy rests on the pillars of technological superiority, a warm patent- centric approach, a clear and distinct cost advantage and a edge in forward-looking research. Apollo's spectacular success rests on sustained commitment and investments in each of these pillars. The Group continues to break new ground in adopting new technology. From leveraging new age mobility, to getting futuristic equipment Apollo has always been ahead of the curve. Currently, the group believes in the tremendous potential of robotics and is investing heavily in making it a real and robust option for all. Apollo pioneered Tender Loving Care (TLC) and it continues to be the magic that inspires hope, warmth and a sense of ease in the patients. Apollo started out with the promise of bringing quality healthcare to India at a price point that Indians could afford. The cost of treatment in Apollo was a tenth of the price in the western world. Today as the group charts out its roadmap to take healthcare to a billion, the focus on driving a strong value proposition remains constant. Apollo Hospitals has taken the spirit of leadership well beyond business metrics. It has embraced the onus of keeping India, healthy. India could soon become the heart disease capital of the world if the surge of lifestyle diseases goes unchecked. Apollo Hospitals has its agenda full in taking steps to avoid this. Recognizing that the risk of heart disease can be significantly reduced, even reversed, Apollo Hospitals launched the pathbreaking Billion Hearting Beating, a campaign that empowers Indians with the knowledge to fight the common adversary - heart disease. Apollo Hospitals has always strongly believed in social initiatives that help transcend barriers. In keeping with this, the group has started several impactful programmes in this area. One among these initiatives is SACHi (Save a Child's Heart Initiative) - a community service initiative with the aim of providing quality pediatric cardiac care and financial support to children from underprivileged sections of society suffering from heart diseases. Apollo also runs the SAHI (Society to Aid the Hearing Impaired) initiative to help poor children with hearing impairment, and the CURE Foundation which is focused on cancer screening, cure and rehabilitation for those in need. In the area of Cancer care Apollo has also joined hands with Yuvraj Singh's YOUWECAN to organize massive cancer screenings. Apollo regularly conducts comprehensive health screening camps across the nation. The Group actively leverages its telemedicine and mHealth capabilities to take its screening programmes to even remote corners of the country. Apollo's remarkable story has captured India's attention. For its service to the nation, the Group was felicitated with the honour of a commemorative postage stamp bearing its name. For his untiring pursuit of excellence in healthcare, Dr. Prathap C Reddy, was bestowed with the second highest civilian award, the 'Padma Vibhushan', by the Government of India. Recently Apollo Hospitals celebrated its 30th year. The Group, led by Dr. Prathap Reddy, reaffirmed its goals and redefined their focus. With ambitious projects like Apollo Reach Hospitals, a strong focus on preventive healthcare and an unabated commitment to nurture excellence and expertise in healthcare, Apollo Hospitals envisions for a new horizon - a future where the nation is healthy, where its people are fighting fit, and India emerges as the preferred global healthcare destination



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