
Hindu Mission Hospital was started on 5th Dec 1982 as a not for profit hospital at Tambaram on the National Highway with a view to cater to the needs of the local community. Today the hospital stands as a majestic landmark both medically and as a service organization of repute. Over the years the hospital has developed into a rapidly expanding Multi - Specialty hospital with state of the art facilities and highly trained doctors and nurses to match. Apart from a robust teaching program the hospital has a very successful School of nursing and also a College of Nursing with a Diploma and B. Sc Degree qualifications at the end of their respective courses. The rapid growth of the hospital has been mirrored by its ability to add on new equipment, staff and departments every year. This has led to an ever increased demand from the patients for newer and better facilities that the hospital strives to achieve. Hindu Mission Hospital boasts of providing high quality care at a modest price for the benefit of the community.



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