12-A, Nageswara Road,
Nungambakkam Past Josier St
Chennai - 600034
Welcome To Kanchi Kamakoti CHILDS Trust Hospital A dedicated and spirited journey began in the year 1978,the international year of the child, towards caring for the generation of tomorrow. It was a proud moment of the realization of a dream for the nation the creation of CHILDS TRUST HOSPITAL. Vision We have embarked on our journey with a vision to provide healing touch to our precious future generation, irrespective of their economic status, caste or religion and to excel in academic activities and paediatric research. Provide world-class healthcare for children upto 18 years of age irrespective of their economic status, caste or religion. Make the hospital ever child friendly by extending affectionate touch to any child entering the hospital and providing appropriate environment. Excel in academic activities and maintain this hospital as one of the best teaching institutions in India. Conduct active research in Paediatrics and Paediatric Specialities. Be part of world health tourism. Mission CHILDREN are God's most delightful gifts to mankind. We believe it is imperative to provide quality healthcare for their growth as good and useful citizens. Our mission is to ensure care and attention to the children entrusted to us for treatment, through the deployment of competent medical personnel, upto-date technology and modern equipment, at costs that are fair and affordable
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Diabetes Insipidus | Cardiac anesthesia | Injuries for athletes | Dental Implants | Drying vessels - Sclerotherapy | Calf implant | Liver problems | Computerised traction | Adolescent problems | Mole surgery | .... More Treatment
Laser administration (diabetes) | Dermabrasion | Eye Surgery | Womens health | Polycystic ovary syndrome in adolescence | Fillers | Deformity correction spinal | Congenital Hypothyroidism | Radiofrequency neurotomy | Polysomnography | Uterine bleeding | Personality assessment | Mesobotox | Ultralipo | Quit smoking | Pain management counseling | Specialty diagnostics in tuberculosis | Metabolic Bone Diseases (rickets, osteoporosis) | Obesity related lung diseases | Facial Cosmetic Surgery | Scar revision | Biopsy | HIV counselling | Flanks | Video Analysis | Foreign Body in Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat | Removal Full Mouth Compete Denture | Congenital heart surgery | Laser procedure for acne scars | Sexual weakness | Breast augmentation/mammoplasty | Diabetes Mellitus (type 1 and 2) | Ocular plastic surgery | Abnormal, unusual, strange behavior | Other Fillings Simple Amalgam | Elastic bandage | Fractional co2 laser skin resurfacing | Cosmetic dermatological surgery | Growth and development including general paediatri | Children infectious diseases | SLE | Joint and muscle problems | Aquatic physical therapy | Lung infections | Chemonucleolysis | Septorhinoplasty | Lipoabdome | Soft tissue manipulation | Obesity | Tonsil Removals |