No. 19/A, 1st Avenue,
Ashok Nagar Opposite Bharath Petrol Bunk
Chennai - 302001
Clinic in Chennai GPO
Clinic in Anna Road GPO
Clinic in Park Town
Clinic in Mylapore
Clinic in Triplicane
Thermotherapy | Ablation | Veneers | Neurourology | Scalp | Buttock liposuction | Orthodontics (Braces) Metal | Diabetes Mellitus (type 1 and 2) | Acl reconstruction | Surgeries Tooth Extraction/Removal | .... More Treatment
Hypo and Hypercalcemia | Facial aesthetics | Pain management counseling | Ablation | Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Inhibitors for Heart Attack | Skin hydration | Hysterectomy for Endometrial Cancer | Surgeries Impacted Tooth Removal | ECG Echocardiogram | Hip replacement | Cystoscopy | Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) Surge | Carpeltunnel Syndrome | Infertiliade | Other Fillings Simple Amalgam | Ozone injection | Pelvic floor dysfunction | Uterine prolapse | Root Canal Rotary RCT | Threadlift | Congenital disorders | Pheochromocytoma | Scoliosis correction | Prenatal and birth | Breast reduction | Assisted laser hatching | Rehabilitation Rheumatológy | Botox injections | Hip, ankle, knee pain | Chemonucleolysis | Endometrial Ablation | Calcium Channel Blockers for Heart Failure | Cystoscopy | Skin biopsy | Psoriatic Arthritis | CAPD | Vasectomy | Glandular disorder | Prostate laser surgery | Malignancy | Male Hypogonadism | Functional face aesthetics | Polyps | Removal Partial Dentures | Endocrine complications of Cancer Therapy | Labiaplasty | Laser surgery | Endermologie (vacuum) | Fractional co2 laser skin resurfacing | Nephrectomy |