
The most defining and significant facet of our Operating Theatre at Sai Orthocare is technology and planning. The designers have taken all precautionary steps to provide an infection free zone to the patient. Pharmacy Hospital pharmacy will usually stock range of medicines, as well as a lot of specialized and investigational medicines. Hospital pharmacy usually offers medicines for the hospitalized patients. ICU (Intensive Care Unit) Saiortho care Hospitals specialist spine surgeons are highly trained and experienced in treating spinal disorders at all levels, from the upper cervical spine (neck) to the sacrum and coccyx (tailbone). Laboratory Clinical laboratory in our hospital is well supported by very well-equipped and with experienced lab technicians. We do take proper care of patient through our efficient and effective laboratory services. Physiotherapy Our Physiotherapy Department at Saiorthocare hospitals provides services to a large range of clinical areas. Physiotherapy is predominantly inpatient targeted with some outpatient services provided in orthopaedics and paediatrics.



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