
Sankara Eye Hospital is an ISO 9001 certified, state of the art multi specialty eye hospital located at Pammal, a well developed suburb of Chennai City, about 6 km from Chennai Airport. Sankara Eye Hospital has been functioning since 1997 as an exclusive eye care centre with a singular vision of providing high quality care to all segments of society, rich or poor. This hospital also runs a charitable eye care programme for the poor State-of-the-art outpatient facilities exist for examination of all eye disorders and a team of highly skilled Optometric technicians and Ophthalmologists provide personalized and professionally competent care. The three-storied hospital has 140 beds, 20 independent bath-attached rooms and a modern hygienic kitchen to cater nutritious food for the patients. The hospital has four sophisticated and fully equipped operation theatres and a team of very highly committed and talented staff apart from 12 senior specialist eye surgeons. So far this hospital has performed201,446vision restoring surgeries. In the financial year 2013-2014, 17,571 surgeries have been performed. The hospital currently carries out an average of 60 surgeries every day. The Hospital offers nine specialty services (Cataract, Refractive, Cornea, Glaucoma, Retina, Orbit and Oculoplasty, Uvea, Neuro-Ophthal, Paediatric Ophthal) and support services like Contact Lens, Prosthetic eye and Low Vision Clinic.



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