NO. 2/365A,
Pandiyan Salai,
Vettuvankani ECR Near Rekha Hote
Chennai - 600115
Clinic in Chennai GPO
Clinic in Anna Road GPO
Clinic in Park Town
Clinic in Mylapore
Clinic in Triplicane
Fissure surgery | Postural reeducation | Mesolypolysis | Laparoscopic Surgery for Endometriosis | Haemorrhoid surgery | Open prostatectomy | Transurethral Prostatectomy for Prostatitis | Elbow replacement | Pain management counseling | Reconstruction and bone lengthening | .... More Treatment
Dilation and Curettage (D&C) for Bleeding During M | Imperforate anus | Needle therapy or Acupuncture | Laser procedure for acne scars | Hand surgery | Spine injury | Intrauterine insemination IUI | Congenital abnormalities | Neuro developmental therapy | Harmone test | Polyps | Foreign Body in Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat | Hand function training | Strengthening excercise | Knee care | Herniated disc | Earache | Surgery for Chronic Pelvic Pain | Kinesiology Tape | Home care physiotherapy | Assisted laser hatching | Nephrectomy | Urinary incontinence surgery | Cystectomy for bladder cancer | Facelift | Physiotherapy for sports injury rehabilitation | Cone Biopsy (Conization) for Abnormal Cervical Cel | Cheek implant | HbA1c | Hair replacement | Hernia Surgery | Screening for Cancer in Ear, Nose & Throat and Hea | Radical Prostatectomy | Functional face aesthetics | Neuroblastoma screening | Cosmetic dermatological surgery | Stem cell therapy | Fractional co2 laser skin resurfacing | Knee replacement | Revision ear surgery | Drying vessels - Sclerotherapy | Deformity correction | Hysterectomy for Endometrial Cancer | Full thickness skin graft | Endovascular embolism | Allergy test | Computerised traction | Dermolipectomy | Supportive Taping & Strapping | Conformal radiotherapy |