Musheerabad Opposite Raja Theatre
Hyderabad - 500020
Clinic in Central University
Clinic in King koti
Clinic in Lakdikapul
Clinic in Musheerabad
Clinic in Saroornagar
Male Hypogonadism | Sports massage therapy | Glycolic peel | Arthritis | Haemorrhoid surgery | Affective and emotional difficulties | Muttakizhi | Glandular disorder | Ectopic pregnancy | Ostomalasia | .... More Treatment
Porcelain Crown Fused to Metal | Uro-oncology | Glycolic peel | Pediatric physical therapy | Gum Surgery | Hernia - inguinal | Weight loss surgery | Basal Implants | Dilation and Curettage (D&C) for Bleeding During M | Complex trauma | Vascular image | Lung abscess | Cosmetic Fillings Direct composite veneer | Mental health | Prehabilitation | Surgeries Biopsy | Sirodhara | Cosmetic Fillings Fluoride Cements/GIC/Ketac Molar | Teeth Grinding | Hair replacement | Pityriasis rosea | Loneliness | Spinal fusion | Brain suite | Musculoskeletal injury physiotherapy | Early Injury | Ceramic Inlay | Real Time Ultrasound Physiotherapy | Micro-cataract Surgery | Pre-marital counselling | Hair replacement | Breast reduction | Functional nutrition | Laser therapy | Fat injections (transplant) | Akshi Tarpana/ Putapaka/ Seka | Carpeltunnel Syndrome | Radiotherapy | Glycogen Storage Disease | Minimally invasive cardiothoracic surgery | Lower genital tract dysplasia | TB Tuberculosis | Treatment with sedation | Dental Implants | Natural remedies | Acute Renal failure | Vaginal vault prolapse | Surgery for Ovarian Cysts | Dermabrasion | Buttock lift |