
Located at Kanchan Bagh, Hyderabad, Owaisi Hospital & Research Centre is a teaching hospital. It is a massive seven storied structure, competently managed by senior professionals, highly experienced in their respective specialty. The hospital possesses state of the art equipment necessary for all major surgeries and treatment especially in gastroenterology, cardiology, neonatology, orthopedics and emergency medicine. The research wing of this Institute, Centre for liver diseases is funded by the prestigious research agencies both national and carry out advance research in the field of liver cell transplantation, Xenotransplantation, Gene therapy and molecular characterization of Hepatitis-c virus. The laboratories are sufficiently equipped with the most accurate and technically sophisticated diagnostic equipment conforming to international standards. The paramedical and the nursing staff is skillfully trained and dedicated. The activities and services of OHRC demonstrate unfailingly firm commitment to provide effective and advanced treatment at affordable charges and also facilities the needs of our society with a human touch to ensure high standards in patient satisfaction.




No of Beds : 1050

Specific Services for International Patients

Dadicated Desk : No
Video Consultation : No
Visa Assistance : No
International Insurance Assistance : No
Translation Desk : No
Prayer Area : No

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