
Calcutta Heart Research Centre was founded in the year 1993. Since then, we have been striving to impart qualityand economical healthcare to the residents of Eastern India and Bangladesh. We are a medical diagnostic centre serving the people of Eastern India for the last 2 decades. We have at our disposal state-of-the-art equipment, qualified and efficient manpower and a team of medical experts to pin point the cause of disease. Our centre comprises of all kinds of medical diagnostic equipment starting from MRI, CT Scan, X-Ray, USG, Pathology, Echo, ECG etc. We are recognized by various corporate like WBHS, Eastern Railway, South Eastern Railway, DVC, GRSE, Oil India limited, RBI, SBI, ESIC, Tata Steel to name a few. We have installed CT Scan equipment within the district hospitals of Howrah, Birbhum and Krishnanagar to provide high end medical services at highly subsidized rates. These departments have been set up in partnership with the Government of West Bengal and render 24 hrs service to the needy patients at rock bottom prices



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