Acharya Donde Marg
Lower Parel
Lower Parel Near Madkebuwa Chowk Bus stop
Mumbai - 400013
Clinic in Borivali
Clinic in Bandra West
Clinic in Tardeo
Clinic in Vile Parle West
Clinic in Mount Mary
Hip, ankle, knee pain | Muscle relaxing injections | Adrenal disorders | Reconstructive surgery | Strengthening excercise | Tonsil Removals | Tooth Sealants | Breast augmentation/mammoplasty | Laser therapy | Laryngitis | .... More Treatment
Dermatoscopy | Hip, ankle, knee pain | Cardiovascular and pulmonary physical therapy | Laser assisted procedure | Strengthening excercise | Real Time Ultrasound Physiotherapy | Computerised traction | Breast reconstruction | Chemcial peel | Newborn jaundice | Cancers of Endocrine flands | Ergonomic training | Facial aesthetics | Botox injections | Male sexual problems | Diabetic ulcer | Fat injections (transplant) | Immunity | Cardio respiratory physiotherapy | Laser therapy | Pityriasis rosea | Hand function training | Empty scrotum - undescended testes | Hip, ankle, knee injury | Electrocaurtry | Visceral manipulation | Strength Exercises | Stone surgery | Pain management counseling | Cosmetic Contouring | Orthotic test | Functional sclerotherapy | Hair patch | Axilla fold | Neonatal Palliative Care | Congenital disorders | Spinal diseases | Skin biopsy | Laser therapy | Recontouring Teeth | Root Canal Pulpectomy (child) | Dermatologic surgery small | Light sherr | Limb lengthening | Other Fillings Simple Amalgam | Motor coordination | Full thickness skin graft | General illness | Earache | Cleft rhinoplasty |