15, Dr. Deshmukh Marg,
Pedder Road,
Mumbai 400026
Peddar Road Opposite Sophia College
Mumbai - 400026
Jaslok Hospital & Research Centre is an ultra-modern tertiary care hospital, internationally acclaimed for its world class medical services with 350 inpatient beds including 75 critical care beds, covering all specialties and diagnostics. The inpatient services are complemented with outpatient facilities and an exclusive Centre for health check of executives. Hospital is proud to be in the league of the country’s leading NABH accredited healthcare providers, primarily focusing on patient care, safety, continuous quality improvement and innovation. Hospital stands apart due to its state of the art equipment and infrastructure and personalized patient care. Our thrust areas include Neurology & Neurosurgery and Cardiology & Cardiac Surgery, Oncology &Onco-surgery, Nephrology, Urology, Orthopaedics, Kidney Transplants, Bone Marrow Transplant & IVF. We have facilities for attending to any type of medical emergencies on a round the clock basis. Hospital has to its credit many trailblazing achievements made possible by combining research, teaching and patient care. The hospital has been at the vanguard of technology by acquiring new state-of-the-art diagnostic & therapeutic equipment like MRgFUS (Magnetic Resonance-guided Focussed Ultrasound surgery), HBOT (Hyperbaric oxygen Therapy), VMAT (Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy )fromElekta, ABVS (Automated Breast Volume Scanner) . While advanced technology and modern facilities are crucial to the delivery of high quality medical care, it is our doctors, nurses and technicians who make Jaslok Hospital a place of highly specialized expertise.
Mitral Valve Replacement Surgery Check Price
Mitral Valve Repair Surgery (Commissurotomy) for M Check Price
Aortic Valve Replacement Surgery Check Price
Aortobifemoral Bypass for Peripheral Arterial Dise Check Price
Artificial pacemaker Check Price
Congenital heart surgery Check Price
Laser surgery Check Price
Mole removal Check Price
Bone marrow transplant Check Price
IVF - In Vitro Fertilisation Check Price
IUI - Intra Uterine Insemination Check Price
ICSI - Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection Check Price
Surrogacy Check Price
Egg donation Check Price
Donor Semen Check Price
Biopsy Check Price
Orofacial oncology Check Price
Chemoradiation Check Price
Cataract surgery by phacoemulsification Check Price
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Cerebral vascular surgery | Complex trauma | Melanocyte transfer | Fat injections (transplant) | Low confidence | Ceramic Inlay | Male sexual problems | Rehabilitation cardio-pulmonary | Mulligan manipulation | Cordocentesis | .... More Treatment
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding | Fillers | Recurrent Miscarriage | Pigmentation | Facial revitalization | Diabetes management program | Full thickness skin graft | Breast radiotherapy | Breast reduction | Vaginal laser therapy | Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) | Cholesterol disorder | Cardiac rehabilitation | Skin pulse process | Uterine artery embolization | Mohs surgery | Insulin management | Intestine surgery | Head and Neck Cancer | Ear reconstruction | Vasectomy | Couples therapy | Basal Implants | Carbon Dioxide Laser Surgery for Abnormal Cervical | Cognitive behavioral therapy | Neuromuscular disorders | Pancreas transplant | Viral Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E | Obesity related diseases | Other Fillings Simple Amalgam | Amenorrhea | Insanity | Melanocyte transfer | Haemorrhoid surgery | ECT Electroconvulsive therapy | Early parenting issues | Mole removal | Natural remedies | Psychological diagnosis | Small cell lung cancer | Ozone therapy | Cosmetic Fillings Composite (Nano Ceramic Mono Cem | Pityriasis rosea | Sleep medicine | Nose reshaping | Correction lobe | Nebulisations | Orofacial oncology | Colorectal surgery | Critical care |